Five Ways To Be A Better Dog Parent

New Year’s Resolutions for Dog Parents

Photo by Samson Katt

It’s a new year and that means many of us are setting new resolutions and goals. So often we focus on bettering ourselves, but how often do we stop to think about improving our relationships with our dogs? For 2022, let’s set new year's resolutions to strengthen our bond with our furry friends and become better dog parents. Here are some new year’s resolutions you can add to your list! Improve the life of your dog and your own while bonding and creating memories at the same time.

Improve your dog’s diet

Photo by cottonbro

Everyone knows that health comes first. It’s what keeps us going and enables us to do the things we love. The same goes for our furry friends. The biggest factor in human and dog health is diet. While making new health resolutions for ourselves this year, let’s prioritize our dog’s health too! Whether it be going on a diet or making the switch to healthier options, improving your dog’s diet will positively affect their digestive health, skin and hair, energy levels and overall quality of life.

Many wet dog food brands are known to include meat by-products and other low quality ingredients in their recipes. Then there is the ongoing debate about grain-free dog food. This leaves many of us wondering - what’s the best diet for dogs? From fresh dog food and the raw dog diet to kibble, there are many dog diets for dog parents to choose from. According to pet experts at the American Kennel Club, going fresh is the best way to guarantee your dog gets all the nutrients they need.

Natural dog food that is made from fresh ingredients undergoes much less processing which means the nutritional value of each ingredient is preserved. There are many natural dog food brands that dog parents can find in-store or get delivered right to their door. Make your furry friend’s diet a new year’s resolution this year by making the switch to a natural dog food brand or cooking homemade dog food. A fresh dog diet that includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals will ensure that your dog lives a happier and healthier life. 

In our previous blog, we discussed which fruits and veggies for dogs can support their diet. Check out our ongoing list of fruits and vegetables that dogs can and can’t eat. Refer to it when incorporating fruits and veggies into your dog’s meals or feeding them as snacks.

Be more active with your dog

Photo by Zen Chung

Along with diet comes exercise. One of the biggest new year’s resolutions for every new year is to get in shape and be more active. If you’re one of those people, make it happen in 2022 with your furry friend by your side! There are so many physical activities that dog parents can do with their dogs. Going on runs together, exploring new hiking trails, or going for a swim. Visit a lake for a calm swim in the sun or take a dive at the beach if your dog is a great swimmer! Then you can cool down by taking part in yoga for dogs, also known as Doga. You both get your cardio done and then get to relax and meditate for a truly dog-friendly zen experience. Check out The Bark’s guide to dog yoga to find out how you and your furry friend can get your Doga on.

Spend more time outside with your dog

Photo by Cup of Couple

While exercising with your dog can be considered as spending time together, let’s do more this new year! If you live in a city like Los Angeles, there are endless things to do and see. A simple Google search or Yelp guide will help you discover many dog-friendly places near you. Every dog parent should add spending more time with their dog to their new year’s resolutions list! From dog-friendly restaurants to dog-friendly museums, there are many new places to explore and take you out of your ordinary life. Take your dog to cool places and soon you’ll be recognized as the best dog parent in town. If you are local to Los Angeles, look out for our guide of dog friendly places on the west coast. 

Socialize and train your dog

Another great way to become a better dog parent in 2022 is to invest in your dog’s social life. Yes, dogs like to socialize and have friends just like humans do. One of the best ways to socialize your dog is by taking them to dog daycare. This avoids schedule conflicts between dog parents trying to set up a doggy playdate. Your furry friend is also likely to be safer at a dog daycare over a dog park because there are trained staff on-site at all times. 

At Dogdrop, we pride ourselves as providers of the best dog care around. Dogdrop provides a place where dogs can get exceptional care while socializing and learning. Our furry members have become like a family and always look forward to hanging out with the friends they have made. Another service that Dogdrop offers is dog training. Through our dog training courses, your furry friend will learn the foundations to doghood (routine + foundation + socialization). They will be taught basic cues (sit/down, stay/wait, recall) and how to consistently practice at home with proven techniques.

There are many more benefits of dog daycare and reasons why you should invest in your dog’s social life this year. Remember that you are becoming a better dog parent by ensuring your dog is properly socialized and trained.

Pamper your dog and yourself

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

When all is said and done, being a dog parent can be a handful. After a long week of catering to and spending time with our furry friends, dog parents deserve a moment for selfcare. Everyone can use good pampering after a stressful week. And since your new year’s resolution is to be a better dog parent, now you can pamper your dog too! Luckily it is more simple than it sounds. Start with a warm bubble bath. Be sure to use a high-quality dog shampoo and follow with conditioner to keep their hair smooth. Next, follow it with a gentle towel dry. Then comb their hair out to get rid of any tangles. Lastly, reward your furry friend with their favorite treat. Want to treat them to something new? Get them a sweet dog dessert at one of the top 10 dog bakeries in California. Finish the evening with a relaxing dog massage that provides calming benefits for both you and your dog.

We hope that you take part in this new year’s resolutions list towards becoming a better dog parent. We can all be better each year and this includes our furry friends too! Stay tuned for our upcoming guides that will discuss tips and products to help you become a better dog parent in 2022.


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